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GBHS School Picture Days 2023-2024
Photographer: Kay Brown Photography;
Click here to e-mail:
Scroll down the page to see all of the dates and photos this school year.
July 31- August 4 : Senior Portraits (Gym Lobby);
Advance sign up required
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. Seniors should wear an undershirt so they can easily put on the tux/drape.
2. Students should sign up in advance for a specific day/time slot.
Click this link to sign up:
3. Students may pay in advance to order prints. Students must pay a $20 sitting fee for this photo to be taken and appear in the yearbook, even if you do not order prints. You may choose the picture packet in advance, or you may pay for proofs and then decide to order once you see the proofs.
4. If you pay for several poses, the photographer will send the pose purchased to appear in the yearbook. If you are very specific about the pose that is chosen for the yearbook, you will need to e-mail the photographer (see above). I, the adviser, only have access to the one photo the photographer sends me for each student.
Click this link to pay online:
5. These photos will be taken in the cafeteria or gym lobby. I will update when I know for sure. Please be on time for your time slot.
6. If you end up not liking the photos, you may sign up for the makeup/retake day. See below for more info.
August 29-30 : 9th-11th Grade Portraits (Gym Lobby)
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. Students must wear clothes that follow the school dress code. Failure to do so will result in the photo not appearing in the yearbook.
2. Students do not have to sign up. They will go with their English class to take the photo on their assigned day. Students should ask their English teacher to know whether they are scheduled for August 29 or 30.
3. If a student does not have an English class on campus, they may come any time during the day to take their photo.
4. Seniors may NOT take photos on these days: only underclassmen.
5. Students may pay in advance online to order prints. Students may also fill out and include money in the picture packet. These packets are handed out by the student's English teacher, but extras are available in my room. You may choose the picture packet in advance, or you may wait to see the proof and then decide to order once you see the proofs. Click this link to pay online!
6. Students should sit for the photo even if they do not want to order prints. The photo is used to update the school information and it appears in the yearbook.
7. These photos will be taken in the gym lobby.
8. If you end up not liking the photos, you may sign up for the makeup/retake day. See below for more info.
November 1-2 : Senior Portrait Re-takes and Make-ups (Gym Lobby)
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. Seniors should wear an undershirt so they can easily put on the tux/drape.
2. Students should sign up in advance for a specific day/time slot. If you are not able to do so, please just show up anyways and the photographer may be able to fit you in!
Click this link to sign up: (Link not yet available)
3. A "make up picture" means you did NOT take a senior portrait yet and this is your first time.
A "re-take picture" means you DID take a senior portrait already and you did not like it. Students who only paid a $20 sitting fee may NOT get a re-take. Re-takes are only for those who paid for a packet. You MUST bring the entire packet back in order to get a free re-take. If you do not return the photos, you will be charged again to get more photos printed. If you have any questions, e-mail the photographer (see above).
3. Students may pay in advance to order prints. Students must pay a $20 sitting fee for this photo to be taken and appear in the yearbook, even if you do not order prints. You may choose the picture packet in advance, or you may pay for proofs and then decide to order once you see the proofs.
4. If you pay for several poses, the photographer will send the pose purchased to appear in the yearbook. If you are very specific about the pose that is chosen for the yearbook, you will need to e-mail the photographer (see above). I, the adviser, only have access to the one photo the photographer sends me for each student. If you paid for proofs but then never actually chose a pose and paid for prints, the photographer will choose which print to send me!
Click HERE to pay online. (link not yet available)
5. These photos will be taken in the gym lobby. Please be on time for your time slot.
October 10 : 9th-11th Grade Re-takes and Make-ups (Gym Lobby)
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. Students must wear clothes that follow the school dress code. Failure to do so will result in the photo not appearing in the yearbook.
2. A "make up picture" means you did NOT take a picture yet and this is your first time. A "re-take picture" means you DID take a picture already and you did not like it. Students who only took a picture for the yearbook may NOT get a re-take. Re-takes are only for those who paid for a packet. You MUST bring the entire packet back in order to get a free re-take. If you do not return the photos, you will be charged again to get more photos printed. If you have any questions, e-mail the photographer (see top of page).
3. Students do not have to sign up. If you need to get a picture on this day, you will go when your last name is announced. For example, the intercom will announce "Underclassmen with last names A-D who need to get their makeup/retake pictures taken, please report to the gym lobby now." If you think you will miss this announcement or are worried, stop by the gym lobby during 1st period to get your picture taken.
4. Seniors may NOT take photos on this day: only underclassmen.
5. Students may pay in advance online to order prints. Students may also fill out and include money in the picture packet. These packets are available in room 418. You may choose the picture packet in advance, or you may wait to see the proof and then decide to order once you see the proofs.
CLICK HERE to pay online and order pictures. (link not yet available)
6. Students should sit for the photo even if they do not want to order prints. The photo is used to update the school information and it appears in the yearbook.
7. These photos will be taken in the gym lobby.
8. If you end up not liking the photos, there is not another re-take day. This is the only one. This photo will appear in the yearbook. Please e-mail the photographer with questions (see top of page).
January 9 : Club Picture Day (Gym)
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. The schedule will be provided to all club sponsors. Students must ask their club sponsor for the time slot of their club photo.
2. Students typically wear their club shirt for the photo, if applicable. Students often bring several club shirts and change in between photos.
3. These photos are provided free of charge and may not be purchased. They will appear only in the yearbook.
4. There is no make-up day. If you are absent for your club picture, you will not be in it.
February 13 : Senior Panorama Photo (Football Stadium)
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. The photo will be taken immediately after all school buses have arrived to school. BE THERE EARLY.
2. If you are late, you will miss the photo. There are no makeups or re-dos.
3. This photo date is subject to change based on weather.
4. If your student can not make the date because you are out of town or they have another engagement, they will have to miss it. It is impossible to find a date free of any conflicts. We apologize for any disappointment.
5. Students typically wear their Senior Shirt for this photo.
6. This photo IS available for purchase. Email the photographer for price and ordering info (see above).
7. This takes place at the football stadium.
March 12-14 : Senior Cap/Gown Pictures (Gym Lobby)
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. Only students who PAY for these photos may take them. These photos are completely optional and do not appear anywhere in the school or yearbook. They are solely for families to purchase and own.
2. The photo will be of the senior in full cap and gown with all of their honor cords/medals.
3. Cap and gown and medals will be provided for the students. Just wear an undershirt or any shirt because it will be covered up.
4. Click here to sign up for a time slot and day: (Link not yet available)
5. Click here to pay online: (Link not yet available)
April 18 : Senior Cap/Gown Makeups/Retakes (Gym Lobby)
Important Notes/ FAQ:
1. Only students who PAY for these photos may take them. These photos are completely optional and do not appear anywhere in the school or yearbook. They are solely for families to purchase and own.
2. The photo will be of the senior in full cap and gown with all of their honor cords/medals.
3. Cap and gown and medals will be provided for the students. Just wear an undershirt or any shirt because it will be covered up.
4. A "make up picture" means you did NOT take a cap/gown portrait yet and this is your first time. A "re-take picture" means you DID take a cap/gown portrait already and you did not like it. Re-takes are only for those who paid for a packet. You MUST bring the entire packet back in order to get a free re-take. If you do not return the photos, you will be charged again to get more photos printed. If you have any questions, e-mail the photographer (see above).
Click here to sign up for a time slot (link not yet available)
Click here to pay online. (link not yet available)
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